Thursday, 19 December 2013

Think Deeper - 妈妈篇


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Think Deeper - 精品包篇


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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Think Deeper - 娱乐VS健康篇


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Friday, 29 November 2013

Think Deeper - 驾驶篇


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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

DIAMOND Customer Sharing: Improve digestive system and skin allergy DIAMOND水客户惊喜见证:肠胃皮肤病改善

Skin allergy is always a problem for Ms. Loo. Her skin tends to itch especially after sweating. After using DIAMOND SPA, she no longer suffers from the skin problem. She said that after half year drinking DIAMOND water, it improved her digestive system and therefore becomes less constipated. 

(There are quite a number of DIAMOND customers out there sharing their experiences using DIAMOND Water. Some of them are unbelievable stories or unexplainable by science. These stories are for reference only. Therefore, DIAMOND provides "120-day Happy Guarantee" for you to experience it your own way.)

卢太有皮肤敏感问题,只要一出汗,身体就会出现痕痒,使用DIAMOND SPA洗澡后,皮肤问题没了。她接着说,自从饮用DIAMOND水约半年后,肠胃毛病获得了改善,便秘问题减少了。

(市场有好多DIAMOND客户经验分享,部份分享甚至令人难以相信,或者,仍未能完全被科学解释,因此,客户的经验分享,只供参考。所以,DIAMOND为客户提供「120天产品享用满意保证」,以阁下亲身体验为准。 ) 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

DIAMOND Customer Sharing: No worries on water quality by using Filter A DIAMOND水客户惊喜见证:有了滤芯A,不再担心水质问题

Danny stays alone. He thought that Filter A will not be any dirty because he is the only one using water at home. However, after taken out by his brother for examination purpose, they discovered that the Filter A was very dark in color. If without DIAMOND, he can’t imagine how bad it is to swallow all these dirty substances. 

(There are quite a number of DIAMOND customers out there sharing their experiences using DIAMOND Water. Some of them are unbelievable stories or unexplainable by science. These stories are for reference only. Therefore, DIAMOND provides "120-day Happy Guarantee" for you to experience it your own way.)


(市场有好多DIAMOND客户经验分享,部份分享甚至令人难以相信,或者,仍未能完全被科学解释,因此,客户的经验分享,只供参考。所以,DIAMOND为客户提供「120天产品享用满意保证」,以阁下亲身体验为准。 )

Monday, 4 November 2013

DIAMOND Customer Sharing: Nice pet hair DIAMOND水客户惊喜见证:小动物毛发很美

Ms. Chen said that using DIAMOND SPA makes our hair silky smooth. She also baths her guinea pigs and hamsters at home using DIAMOND water. They end up having glossy and smooth hair. Besides that, apple will still stay fresh in the fridge after cut and wash using DIAMOND water. Plants will grow fast and beautiful too if watered with DIAMOND water. 

(There are quite a number of DIAMOND customers out there sharing their experiences using DIAMOND Water. Some of them are unbelievable stories or unexplainable by science. These stories are for reference only. Therefore, DIAMOND provides "120-day Happy Guarantee" for you to experience it your own way.) 
DIAMOND SPA洗头发会让头发更滑更美。她家的天竺鼠和仓鼠,都是使用DIAMOND 水洗澡,因此毛发是滑溜溜。如果苹果切半,用DIAMOND水清洗,然后再收入冰箱,隔天苹果还是会很新鲜。另外,如果用DIAMOND水浇各类植物,植物会长很快和美。

(市场有好多DIAMOND客户经验分享,部份分享甚至令人难以相信,或者,仍未能完全被科学解释,因此,客户的经验分享,只供参考。所以,DIAMOND为客户提供「120天产品享用满意保证」,以阁下亲身体验为准。 )  

Monday, 28 October 2013

DIAMOND Customer Sharing: Good kitchen helper DIAMOND水客户惊喜见证:厨房的好帮手

Ms. Goh said that she uses DIAMOND water to wash grapes. Therefore the grapes taste much sweeter that she can even eat the skin. Besides, she washed potatoes with DIAMOND water after peeling off the skin and discovered that the potatoes don’t turn yellowish easily. Furthermore, onions no longer irritate her eyes after washing with DIAMOND water. Ms. Goh also said that she’s keeping her goldfish in a tank filled with DIAMOND water. There’s no need for air pumps in the tank at all. These goldfish have beautiful colour too.

(There are quite a number of DIAMOND customers out there sharing their experiences using DIAMOND Water. Some of them are unbelievable stories or unexplainable by science. These stories are for reference only. Therefore, DIAMOND provides "120-day Happy Guarantee" for you to experience it your own way.)


(市场有好多DIAMOND客户经验分享,部份分享甚至令人难以相信,或者,仍未能完全被科学解释,因此,客户的经验分享,只供参考。所以,DIAMOND为客户提供「120天产品享用满意保证」,以阁下亲身体验为准。 )